Tagged with campfire

Campfire Sweeties

Campfire Sweeties

I have a confession.  I really do love camping.  Sure, it’s got its drawbacks.  Like, for instance, there is no kitchen.  And you have to bathe like you’re in the dorms again.  And you’ve got to be able to appreciate nature in all its glorious forms, including fire ants and hail storms.  And did I mention there is … Continue reading

Our Favorite Campfire Supper

Our Favorite Campfire Supper

Spring break with my kids and husband at the beach.  Doesn’t get much better than that.  Or does it?  Oh yes, CAMPING at the beach.  It’s adventure time, boys and girls. As my five-year-old Jane would say, “This is what I’m talkin’ about.”  Watching the kids jump the waves for hours on end while laughing themselves … Continue reading